Simply Clear…

Hi there! I’m Kacper, Senior UI&UX Designer sweetened by Art Direction and Graphic Design expertise.

Selected work

Warehouseline — Market review, branding and website concept in an intuitive, simple, and elegant form.

Superhero KIDS — A comprehensive UX and Usability audit for the high-end fashion brand.

VOLVO — Revamping SharePoint templates and graphics to enhance user experiences.

Major firm, big challenge, great satisfaction. UX design & research for ## project — available soon

Warehouseline Brand — Branding concept in an intuitive, simple, and elegant form.

 Selected brands I’ve worked with:

Johnson&Johnson logotype
MSD logotype
Nestle logotype
Astra Zeneca logotype
Takeda logotype
Gedeon Richter logotype
Pfizer logotype
Merck logotype

Let’s make the complex simple!